360° Tour of NB Florence at Crick Boat Show
I went to Crick Boat Show 2024, to photograph a beautiful Norton Canes narrowboat.

Today I went to Crick Boat Show 2024, to photograph a beautiful Norton Canes narrowboat. There were no visitors at Crick today - just a few local moorers and the odd official visitor like myself, so it was exciting to be able to preview the show pretty much on my own. Everybody was busily setting up for the trade day tomorrow, and Crick was a hive of industry everywhere I looked.
Florence was the only traditionally painted roses and castles style boat at the show, and she is absolutely stunning, inside and out. The narrowboat is a mixture of Norton Canes' in-house design and the new owners' personal taste, with a modern interior finish of honey-coloured wood and chalky white paint. The quality is superb, and the boat was beautifully staged ready for the show with orange and royal blue accessories.
If you can't see the 360 preview in the space above (not all servers allow embedded content), you can visit the tour of NB Florence by clicking here:
I photographed a few of the views at the Marina, including a lovely 1967 vintage fish and chip van, and NB Florence's gorgeous pigeon box. It was good to escape for a moment and look out over the canal, but it wasn't long before a friendly security man turfed me off the bridge as they were about to close the rear entrance.
If you're going along to Crick this weekend, I hope you have a lovely time! I recommend taking a waterproof groundsheet and a pair of boots or short wellies - it's still going to be rather muddy after the hammering of rain we had yesterday!
And don't forget, you can book a tour of NB Florence on the Crick Showboats Page or via the Norton Canes Facebook Page.