My favourite villages and small towns in France

Where should I buy a house in France? A department by department guide to the most appealing villages in France.

My favourite villages and small towns in France
The River Vincou on the edge of Bellac

From time to time, my husband and I think about living in France. Here I have listed my favourite villages and small towns in France, in alphabetical order. I have not yet completed all the research for this page, but I keep returning to update it with more areas. I have ploughed through literally hundreds of communes to come up with the most appealing ones - France is huge, so the whittling down is rather a long process! Do pop back from time to time to see my latest updates.

As we are approaching retirement age and Mike has a pacemaker, we feel that it's important to have good access to people, facilities, and services, all year round, without having to drive a long way.

Some of my chosen villages are property hotspots, and may be more expensive per square meter than the local average. Don't let this discourage you too much. It's often possible to find bargain properties on the outskirts or in the surrounding hamlets, as the locals seem to prefer a modern suburban house to a rural project. The equivalent villages in more expensive parts of France could easily be double or triple the price of these. However, I am leaving out the Île-de-France which is well beyond our means and has no areas of interest.

Generally I have chosen settlements with populations between 500 and 2000, although there are some exceptions. We would like to be in an area with good potential for getting involved with French culture and community, but not so large that we disappear in the crowds. To us, getting to know the locals is more important than socialising with ex-pats. We gravitate towards locations where we can live a quiet life in each other's company, but also have enough neighbours and meeting places to get to know people and make a few new friends.

The existence of a seasonal rhythm, often based around tourism or agriculture, can be a blessing and a curse. We are conscious that in a tiny settlement we could find the atmosphere depressing in the winter. Rather than enjoying the peace and tranquillity, we could feel quite isolated. But that's us. If you prefer something small and rural, perhaps this list will serve as a guide to attractive settlements which you could use as a destination for your shopping, services, leisure, and entertainment.

One of the main reasons we are interested in France is its tranquillity and low population density. I have looked carefully at the roads around each location, to be certain that they won't be detrimental to our enjoyment of the area. This includes avoiding places where the shops and cafes are strung out along the main roads, where lorries frequently pass through the village, or where there is a constant drone of traffic noise.

I'll admit to a few more personal preferences which have influenced my choices. Places to go for a walk are important to us. I have eliminated villages where the ring roads and access roads cut the town off from the surrounding countryside. I like a bit of scenery, preferably some rolling hills. Countryside which is as flat as a pancake is not my cup of tea.

In the smaller settlements I've chosen, there are generally a few shops, cafes or restaurants, perhaps a regular market, or even a single supermarket. I love villages with a peaceful centre to stroll around, ideally traffic-free. I love character and charm, especially villages with medieval architecture and a central square. If there's a cafe or restaurant in the square, all the better! I'm also a sucker for timbered buildings and cobbled streets, and beautiful old stone properties. I gravitate towards places with some sort of heritage to get involved with, whether it's a historic site, a museum, or an ancient building of interest. Finally, of course, I enjoy places with rivers, canals, or coasts.

Of course, not every village in the list below features everything on my wish list, but each of them has a mix of attributes, which, for the right house, would make it the right location.

For each location, I have included links to the French property portal SeLoger. This is the largest of the French portals but it is not comprehensive. The best way to find a property is to hone in on an area, contact all the agents there (including notaries), and look out for 'À vendre' signs!

A note on communes

Note that the population figures in this article are based on 'communes'. Mostly these are a single large village or a small town, perhaps with some outlying settlements, but in very rural areas communes may consist only of several small villages or hamlets, none of which may supply the everyday village essentials I would require for a French home. It still surprises me to see a rather grand Mairie (Town Hall) in some of these tiny hamlets, where there are no shops or cafes. If you are a local history buff (I raise my hand here!) the equivalent is the UK parish, where a church, perhaps in a wealthy country estate, may form a hub for several small hamlets, yet there is no village to speak of.

The Hôtel de Ville (Mairie) in Châlus


This department is the 27th most expensive in France, at 2370 euros per m2. After checking the Beaux Villages and the Petites Cités de Caractère lists, unfortunately there was nothing that took my fancy but I have not completed research here yet.


Origny-en-Thiérache, Aisne

Aisne ties with Vosges as the 11th and 12th cheapest departments in France at €1190 per m2. There is some lovely countryside in Aisne, with rolling hills and occasional rocky outcrops, but also some wide flood plains along the rivers. There are several attractive canals running through the department. During World War I the western front ran through the Aisne department and, being strategically located on the route to Paris, its pivotal role in the war was inevitable. Sites of interest include St Quentin, which was on the Hindenburg Line, the nearby site of the Battle of the St Quentin Canal, sites along the beautiful Chemin des Dames, the locations of the Battles of the Marne, the three eponymous Battles of the Aisne, and the Belleau Wood Campaign. The devastation caused by the war has left us with some disappointingly short-sighted town planning, but also a fascinating legacy of Art Deco style rebuilding in the 1920s. My research is complete, but I only kept only one village on the list.

  • Chézy-sur-Marne - lovely village with some cobbled streets, stone properties, a handful of essential shops, and a cafe on a semi-square. The population is 1336. For more services, the town of Château-Thierry is nearby.

See properties in Chézy-sur-Marne on SeLoger.


Souvigny, Allier

Allier is the seventh cheapest department in France at €1050 per m2, almost 50% more than the cheapest department, Creuse. After completing my research, all the villages were outclassed by the attractions of villages in other departments and wouldn't make my shortlist. I only kept one:

  • Souvigny - 1,736 - my favourite of the three, this strikes me as a very genuine and modestly attractive small town, with a kind of square-cum-car park, a striking priory, and all the services you need including a good number of shops.

See properties in Souvigny on SeLoger.


This department is the 36th most expensive in France, at 2250 euros per m2. I have not yet completed my research here.

  • Moustiers-Sainte-Marie - 706 - a lovely old village with a beautiful waterfall. There are plenty of eateries and local shops.

See all the properties in Moustiers on SeLoger.


This department is the 4th most expensive in France, at 4830 euros per m2. Unfortunately the Beaux Villages I researched were too small and remote to be of interest. I have not yet completed my research here.


This department is the 47th most expensive in France, at 1820 euros per m2. Unfortunately none of the Beaux Villages I researched were suitable, being too small or remote. I have not yet completed my research here.


Fumay, Ardennes

Ardennes is the ninth cheapest department in France at €1120 per m2. I have completed my research here. There are 449 communes in Ardennes of which less than 70 were the right size. Many of these are set on meanders of the River Meuse and therefore have a fantastic outlook with beautiful landscapes as their backdrop, but disappointingly, it was difficult to find any towns or villages that I would want to live in. This department is the 88th most expensive in France, at 1120 euros per m2.

  • Rocroi, a small but immaculate circular village, with an elegant feel, within the walls of a former bastion fort. It has a huge but villagey central square with nine roads radiating out from it! The population is 2,266.

To see properties in Rocroi visit Se Loger.


Ariège ties with Vienne as the 21st and 22nd cheapest departments in France at €13i0 per m2. Settlements are few and far between, and sadly I have not found any suitable villages or small towns to include in this list. I have not yet completed my research here.


Aube ties with Loir-et-Cher as the 27th and 28th cheapest departments in France at €1440 per m2, just over double the price of Creuse. Unfortunately there was nothing that took my fancy but I have not completed research here yet.


This department is the 58th most expensive in France, at 1620 euros per m2. Unfortunately there was only one Beaux Village. Unfortunately there was nothing that took my fancy but I have not completed research here yet.



Aveyron ties with Yonne as the 16th and 17th cheapest departments in France at €1240 per m2, probably because much of it is quite remote. There are 285 communes in Aveyron and I have completed my research here. There were some close calls here but I have saved only the best.

  • Estaing - a busy little village despite its small population of 476. The scenery is lovely, so it is quite touristy, but the village is well kept and there are several semi-squares with cafes. It has an epicerie and there are more facilities including a supermarket down the road in Espalion.
  • Nant - a lovely old village with cobbled streets, stone properties, and a village square. There are good facilities to boot! The population is 992.
  • Sauveterre-de-Rouergue - 713 - this lovely village has half-timbered and stone buildings, cobbled pavements, and a colonnaded central square.
  • Saint-Côme-d’Olt - 1,437 - a picturesque riverside village with ancient half timbered and stone buildings, several wide paved areas and a pretty semi-square.

Click here to see all properties in these locations on SeLoger.


This department is the 28th most expensive in France, at 2360 euros per m2. There are some pretty villages but I haven't found any with quite the right qualities for me. There is more research to do.


This department is the 8th most expensive in France, at 3890 euros per m2. Nothing found for the list as yet. There is more research to do.


This department is the 30th most expensive in France, at 2320 euros per m2. Research is incomplete but I have only one favourite at present.

  • Beuvron-en-Auge is a gorgeous little village, and I had to include it even though it is rather small for me.

See properties in Beuvron on Se Loger.


A view of Laroquebrou from the castle

Cantal is the tenth cheapest department in France at €1150 per m2. There are 246 communes in Cantal. There were some pleasant villages so I was disappointed to end up with just one. However, there is more research to do.

  • Pleaux - 1,459 - an attractive little town which appears well-served with shops and facilities, with a vibrant-looking centre, a square-cum-car park and some wide pavement areas.

See all properties in Pleaux on SeLoger.


Charente is the 24th cheapest department in France at €1330 per m2. There is more research to do.

  • Villebois-Lavalette - 713 - a pretty village with a chateau and a proper covered market square, surrounded by sylvain countryside. There is even a decent sized supermarket just outside the village. There is a smaller village, Ronsenac, close by, which shares its services.
  • Villefagnan - 981

See all Villebois-Lavalette properties on SeLoger.


This department is the 23rd most expensive in France, at 2420 euros per m2. There is much more research to do. Saint-Jean-d'Angély needs more exploration.

Saint-Jean-d'Angély - 6,679


Maison dite de Saint-Jean, Aubigny-sur-Nère, Cher

Cher is the eighth cheapest department in France at €1070 per m2, over 50% more than the cheapest department, Creuse. There are 287 communes in Cher. This low number explains why it was a bit of a challenge to find suitable areas, despite Cher being one of the largest departments in France. I must admit that part of my disappointment stems from the fact that Cher is such an 'endearing' name! Unfortunately, there is a lot of flat and unexciting scenery, which impacted negatively on my choices. Furthermore, being pretty much in the middle of France, the area has to contend with a huge network of roads radiating from it in all directions, and many of its villages are dotted along them. There are also quite a few railways, and some wide rivers too. Research here is complete. I ended up with just one town and four villages on my shortlist:

  • Aubigny-sur-Nère - The population is 5499, but the town has the feel of a village with lovely wide pavement areas, cobbled areas, and some wonderful 16th century half-timbered property. It is well kept and surrounded by open countryside.
  • Sancerre - a lovely little town with a great square, some cobbled streets, a bookshop and plenty of facilities. It is close to the Canal Lateral a la Loire. The population is 1,340.

See properties in these locations on SeLoger.


Corrèze is the 19th cheapest department in France at €1270 per m2. More research is required but, so far, I have two places for the shortlist.

  • Meyssac - 1,262 - a lovely little town, partly red stone, with some wide pavement areas, and a good range of shops and services. More genuine and less touristy than nearby Collonges-la-Rouge!
  • Turenne - a pretty village with a hilltop chateau, a lovely cobbled square, and and a small supermarket. Population 805.

See properties in these locations on SeLoger.


This department is the 43rd most expensive in France, at 1900 euros per m2. More research is required.

  • Arnay-le-Duc is a vibrant village, much being cobbled, and surrounded by farmland. It has a population of 1,377.

See properties in Arnay-le-Duc on Se Loger.


This department is the 48th most expensive in France, at 1810 euros per m2. Research is not complete but I have identified two preferred places:

  • Jugon-les-Lacs - 2,493 - a lively town with shops and services and plenty of honey coloured stone buildings. There are some block paved streets in the older parts. The eponymous large lake abuts the town.
  • La Roche-Derrien - 1,064 - a rather attractive little riverside town with some block paved streets and half-timbered property, and plenty of shops and services. It is more rural in character and has more contours than Jugon, which lends it more appeal.

To view properties in these areas, visit Se Loger.


Château de Chantemille, Ahun, Creuse

Creuse is the cheapest of the 96 departments in France, at €710 per m2, as well as being one of the more beautiful and rural departments. Research is complete. Surprisingly I found very few villages of interest and only kept one on the list.

  • Évaux-les-Bains a lovely well-kept village with some cobbled streets and plenty of facilities - population 1297.

See properties in Évaux-les-Bains on SeLoger.


Deux-Sèvres is the 18th cheapest department in France at €1250 per m2. There are 256 communes in Deux-Sèvres. Many are near marshland and very flat. I have more research to do here. At present I only have one option.

  • Saint-Loup-Lamairé - 1,011

See all properties in Saint-Loup-Lamairé on SeLoger.


Dordogne is the 30th cheapest department in France at €1460 per m2. It's no surprise that this beautiful department is a favourite with ex-pats. I have completed my research here and found the following:

  • Belves - an attractive village with a wonderful central square and honey coloured stone buildings. It has good facilities and it also has some troglodyte dwellings. Population 1,300.
  • Domme - a lovely stone hilltop village with plenty of facilities and village squares, cobbled pavements and what seem to be thriving shops, population 902.
  • Issigeac - a pretty village of stone and half-timbered houses, with a square and a good selection of shops, bars and restaurants for its population of 746. It is surrounded by countryside.

See all properties in these villages on SeLoger.


This department is the 46th most expensive in France, at 1860 euros per m2. Unfortunately I have found nothing that excites me here.


This department is the 32nd most expensive in France, at 2300 euros per m2. Research is still required but so far the closest possibility is Grignan, but I am not sufficiently convinced to add it to the list.


This department is the 44th most expensive in France, at 1890 euros per m2. More research is required here. So far only one village has stood out:

  • Lyons-la-Forêt, a pretty and vibrant village with lots of half-timbered buildings and a large village square, population 709.

To see the properties in Lyons-la-Forêt, visit Se Loger.


This department is the 51st most expensive in France, at 1750 euros per m2. The most interesting place I found here was La Ferté-Vidame, but it is not as good as I would like. Further research is required for this department.


This department is the 40th most expensive in France, at 2070 euros per m2. However, I was surprised at what good value you can find here if you look away from the coast. Research needs to be completed.

  • Le Conquet, the westernmost town of mainland France, with a picturesque harbour and square, and away from all the busy roads, population 2,713.
  • Le Faou, an attractive estuary village with cobbled streets and two village squares, population 1,782.
  • Locronan, a particularly attractive inland village with cobbled streets, pale stone buildings and a picturesque square, population 790. The nearest supermarket is 7 minutes drive away in Plogonnec, but there are shops in the village with touristy food.

See properties in these areas on Se Loger.


This department is the 26th most expensive in France, at 2390 euros per m2. The prettiest villages are too small to be really practical for retirement, and the larger ones have pretty centres but less appealing edges! Perhaps there is more research to be done, but despite the beauty of the area, I have not found a suitable village yet.


Gers is the 29th cheapest department in France at €1450 per m2. More research is required here.

  • Montréal - an attractive grid pattern village with a colonnaded central square. It has a population of 1180 and has a supermarket.
  • Cologne - 920

Click here to see all properties in these locations on SeLoger.


Hure, a pleasant village next to the Canal Lateral a la Garonne, which has its own little supermarket, population 559.


This department is the 16th most expensive in France, at 2900 euros per m2.

Research is still required for the following:

  • L'Île-Rousse
  • Sant’Antonino


This department is the 20th most expensive in France, at 2710 euros per m2.

Research is still required for the following:

  • Martres Tolosane
  • Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges


Haute-Loire is the 14th cheapest department in France at €1220 per m2.

  • Allègre - 861 - a charming hilltop village with a ruined chateau.
  • Blesle - 626 - a very pretty historic village beside a stream and surrounded by lovely countryside. It's fairly remote, and I haven't spotted a supermarket, but there are some small food shops and plenty of eateries.
  • Le Monastier-sur-Gazeille - 1,762 - an attractive and busy hilltop village with plenty of shops and a supermarket just outside the village.
  • Polignac - 2,831 (includes suburbs of Le Puy) - this unique medieval village with its spotty stone houses curled around the Forteresse de Polignac has few facilities, but it is close to the cathedral city of Le Puy.

Click here to see all properties in these locations on SeLoger.


Joinville, Haute-Marne

Haute-Marne is the second cheapest department in France at €840 per m2. There are 426 communes in Haute-Marne but less than 30 were the right size for me, and had to remove the vast majority, which were suburbs of cities, strung out along main roads, dull, flat, featureless, or with little architectural charm. A couple were by canals, but they were not at all picturesque, and didn't tempt me. I ended up with just two of the towns:

  • Joinville - 3001
  • Langres - 7682 (yes, it's a bit big, but it's so much better than the other choices in Haute-Marne).

Click here to see all properties in these locations on SeLoger.


This department is the 34th most expensive in France, at 2290 euros per m2.

Research is still required for the following:

  • Garde-Colombe
  • Saint-Véran
  • Serres
  • La Grave


The River Salon, Champlitte, Haute-Saône

Haute-Saône is the sixth cheapest department in France at €1040 per m2. There are 539 communes in Haute-Saône of which less than 50 had the right number of inhabitants to make the list, but only three made the list, as so many were spread along main roads, or were suburbs of busy cities:

  • Champlitte - 1,634
  • Marnay - 1,522 (a bit 'roady' and flat but with a bit of character).
  • Pesmes - 1,072 - a pleasing old town, with a lovely riverside.

Click here to see all properties in these locations on SeLoger.


This department is the 6th most expensive in France, at 4170 euros per m2.

Research is still required for the following:

  • Yvoire


Hautes-Pyrénées is the 33rd cheapest department in France at €1510 per m2.

This department requires research.


Saint-Léonard-de-Noblat, Haute-Vienne

Haute-Vienne is the 20th cheapest department in France at €1300 per m2. There are 195 communes in all. These produced quite a good haul:

  • Bellac - 3619 - the town is a bit big for me, but the old town and river areas are idyllic.
  • Châteauponsac - 2036
  • Eymoutiers - 2087
  • Flavignac - 1070 (looks as if the local grocery closed by 2022 - would need to check this)
  • Le Dorat - 1535
  • Peyrat-le-Château - 1029
  • Rochechouart - 3725
  • Solignac - 1576
  • Saint-Léonard-de-Noblat - 4357

You can find out more about this area on my Haute Vienne page.

Click here to see all properties in these locations on SeLoger.


This department is the 37th most expensive in France, at 2240 euros per m2.

  • Bergheim, a larger fortified village with half-timbered cottages and cobbled streets, population 2,066.
  • Eguisheim, a pretty medieval village just south of Colmar, with half-timbered cottages and ramparts, population 1,732.
  • Kaysersberg-Vignoble, a characterful old fortified village full of half-timbered properties, population 2,426.
  • Riquewihr, a stunning village with colourful half-timbered cottages and cobbled streets, population 1,032.
  • Saint-Hippolyte, another gorgeous village with colourful half-timbered cottages, population 962.

To see properties in these areas visit Se Loger.


This department is the 19th most expensive in France, at 2790 euros per m2.

My favourites are:

  • Capestang, Hérault - 3,298
  • Poilhes, Hérault - 537 (small, but has basic everyday facilities and straddles the Canal du Midi).

Click here to see properties in these areas on SeLoger.


This department is the 29th most expensive in France, at 2350 euros per m2.

  • Bécherel, a pleasing little village with its own Carrefour supermarket and several bookshops - it is known as a book town. The population is 669.
  • Saint-Suliac, an attractive estuary village with a river beach, population 937.

View properties in these areas on Se Loger.


Argenton-sur-Creuse, Indre

Indre is the fifth cheapest department in France at €950 per m2. There are 241 communes in Indre, of which 54 were the right sort of size, but only five made the final cut.

  • Argenton-sur-Creuse - 4,865 (a large town, too large for me. It has a wonderfully photogenic riverside, and some well-presented paved shopping streets, but little else attracted me. It would be a good town to visit for shopping if you lived a short drive away).
  • Chaillac - 1,068 (a bit 'roady', but with redeeming features, including a lake).
  • Châtillon-sur-Indre - 2,326 (also rather 'roady' with some dull parts, but it has a quite vibrant shopping area which is off the main roads, as well as riverside walks, and a historic tower).
  • La Châtre - 4,048 (this is a lovely town with great character).
  • Levroux - 2,883 (much of the town is plain, but there's a good selection of shops, and a stunning timbered building in the old town centre gives it extra appeal).
  • Saint-Benoît-du-Sault - 532 - a vibrant medieval hilltop village with the lovely Portefeuille River to the south west, and a not so lovely modern area with a large metal warehouse or factory to the north east.

Click here to see properties in the above areas on SeLoger.


This department is the 39th most expensive in France, at 2080 euros per m2.

Research is still required for the following:

  • Beaulieu-lès-Loches
  • Candes-Saint-Martin
  • Crissay-sur-Manse
  • Luynes
  • Montrésor
  • Richelieu
  • Rochecorbon


This department is the 22nd most expensive in France, at 2620 euros per m2.

  • Allevard, a vibrant village at the foot of the Alps with a large square, some cobbled streets and some pretty pastel painted buildings, population 3,974.
  • Saint-Antoine-l'Abbaye, an attractive village with a fabulous abbey, population 1,228.
  • Saint-Chef, a lovely rural village, but not isolated, with a population of 3,795 - but I think this must include five or so villages.

Lots more to research!


Rue du Chateau, Orgelet, Jura

Jura is the 31st cheapest department in France at €1480 per m2. I absolutely love the pastoral parts of the Jura scenery, but most of the large villages and small towns are ranged along main roads, due to the limitations imposed by the rivers and the mountainous landscapes, so only one village and three towns made my shortlist:

  • Arbois - 3239
  • Orgelet - 1604
  • Poligny - 4013
  • Saint-Amour - 2379

Click here to see properties in the above areas on SeLoger.


This department is the 25th most expensive in France, at 2400 euros per m2.

Research is still required for the following:

  • Labastide d'Armagnac


This department is the 45th most expensive in France, at 1860 euros per m2.

Research is still required for the following:

  • Charlieu
  • Le Crozet
  • Saint-Bonnet-le-Château
  • Sainte-Croix-en-Jarez

Loire Atlantique

This department is the 15th most expensive in France, at 3020 euros per m2.

Research is still required for the following:

  • Batz-sur-mer
  • Le Croisic
  • Piriac-sur-Mer


This department is the 52nd most expensive in France, at 1740 euros per m2.

Research is still required for the following:

  • Château-Renard
  • Ferrières-en-Gâtinais
  • Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire
  • Yèvre-la-Ville


Loir-et-Cher ties with Aube as the 27th and 28th cheapest departments in France at €1440 per m2, just over double the price of Creuse.

Research required for the following:

  • Lavardin
  • Mondoubleau
  • Montrichard Val de Cher
  • Saint-Dyé-sur-Loire
  • Trôo


Puy-l'Évêque, Lot

Lot is the 34th cheapest department in France at €1520 per m2. There are 313 communes in Lot of which just over 40 were the right size. It is a testament to the wealth of beautiful medieval villages in this area that I was able to pick nine for my shortlist.

  • Cajarc - 1,117
  • Carennac - 413 (small but so cute, looks like the only grocer, a Vival, may have closed).
  • Gourdon - 3,959
  • Lacapelle-Marival - 1,285
  • Prayssac - 2,419
  • Puy-l'Évêque - 1,929
  • Martel - 1,638
  • Montcuq-en-Quercy-Blanc - 1,804
  • Rocamadour - 617

Click here to see properties in the above areas on SeLoger.

The following still require research:

  • Autoire
  • Capdenac
  • Cardaillac
  • Loubressac
  • Saint-Cirq-Lapopie


Lot-et-Garonne is the 26th cheapest department in France at €1400 per m2, nearly double the price of Creuse.

  • Le Mas-d'Agenais, a lovely ancient canalside village, population 1,485.
  • Monflanquin, lovely little bastide town with a population of 2,350.
  • Penne-d’Agenais, an ancient picturesque village with a population of 2,445.
  • Villeréal, a characterful vibrant village with a population of 1,270.

To see all these areas visit Se Loger.


Sainte-Enimie, Gorges du Tarn, Lozère (gorgeous but small and remote)

Lozère is the 13th cheapest department in France at €1200 per m2. There are only 152 communes in Lozère and it is the least populated department in the whole of France with only 15 inhabitants per km2. Needless to say, I love it! Here's my shortlist:

  • La Canourgue - 2,099
  • Chanac - 1,452
  • Chirac (Bourgs sur Colagne) - 2,091
  • Florac Trois Rivières - 2,082
  • Ispagnac - 900
  • Mende - 12318. Mende is the largest town in the Lozère by a huge margin. It has a beautiful old town centre with a cathedral, plenty of shops and restaurants, and all the services you would expect from a medium sized town. It is the prefecture of the department. The next largest communes are Marvejols (4,684), and Saint-Chély-d'Apcher (4,211), neither of which appealled to me.
  • Meyrueis - 794
  • Le Malzieu-Ville - 741

Click here to see all properties in these locations on SeLoger.


This department is the 42nd most expensive in France, at 1950 euros per m2.

  • Pouancé - a charming small town, with a few scattered medieval buildings. Population 3,305.
  • Savennières - a pretty wine producing village with some cobbled areas, population 1,349.
  • Turquant - a pleasant wine-producing hillside village, dominated by farming. Not necessarily a favourite, but included for its amazing cave dwellings and cave restaurant!

See these areas on Se Loger.


This department is the 55th most expensive in France, at 1720 euros per m2.

  • Barfleur - 546- a lively little town on the coast. Unfortunately the coastal location makes the prices here far exceed those of the inland areas.
  • Genêts - 451- a pleasant village within easy reach of the sea - the disadnatage is that most of the village is strung along a road which will probably get busy in tourist season.
  • La Lucerne-d'Outremer - 814 - a pleasant little village with a chateau, intersected by a road.

To see properties in these areas visit Se Loger.


This department is the 53rd most expensive in France, at 1730 euros per m2.

  • Aÿ-Champagne, a pleasant little town, vibrant, with some cobbled streets, dominated by the champagne industry. Population 5,197.
  • Condé-sur-Marne, a pleasant village, not outstanding, but stands by the junction of the canal de l'Aisne à la Marne et le canal latéral à la Marne. Population 747.
  • Sézanne - a vibrant small town with a substantial cobbled centre, much helped by a bypass. Population 4,783.

See these areas on Se Loger.


Mayenne is the 25th cheapest department in France at €1340 per m2. The landscape is gently undulating and pretty in parts, and most of the settlements are smart, but tend to have bigger roads running through them and lack a 'heart'. Sadly, I didn't find many places which spoke to me. I have only found one for my list.

  • Sainte-Suzanne-et-Chammes - 1,224 - a pleasant small town, with a lovely ancient quarter with a chateau, an area with several roads of 'pavilion' style houses, and some idyllic countryside just outside the town with a river and an old papermill.

See Sainte-Suzanne on SeLoger.


To follow.


Montmédy, Meuse, from the Citadel

Meuse ties with Nièvre as the third and fourth cheapest departments in France at €890 per m2. This area interests me, because for several years I was pretty much a full time researcher specialising in the stories of British soldiers in WW1. Six communes in Meuse have been unoccupied since the Battle of Verdun, and although they are still official communes, they fall into a Red Zone, protected from redevelopment, and will always have a population of 0. They are officially designated as 'villages that died for France'.

There are 499 communes in Meuse, of which less than 30 have my preferred number of inhabitants. Unfortunately many of these have suffered from loss of heritage during the war, or they're in flat, featureless areas, or strung out along or beside main roads, or they're city suburbs rather than villages in their own right. The larger villages have little to offer in the way of character, with an almost complete absence of the cobbled streets, half timbered buildings, and traditional stone properties which you might find elsewhere in France, although I did spot some beautiful 1920s architecture. There are some interesting canalside towns, but none of these are attractive enough to make it onto the list. In the end, I only managed to scrape together five rather unconvincing suggestions.

  • Gondrecourt-le-Château - 1,065 (this one is a bit 'roady', but it does have a picturesque river, and a horse museum in an old castle tower).
  • Montmédy - 2,040 (the town is not especially attractive, but there are plenty of shops, and the river and the rather impressive Citadelle of Montmédy justify its inclusion in the list).
  • Pagny-sur-Meuse - 1,006 (benefits from the river and Canal de la Marne au Rhin, but it is not as attractive or well equipped as I would like).
  • Vaucouleurs - 1,929 (this one has a bypass, a hilltop church and ruins, and an amazing trompe d'oeil mural on one of the houses).
  • Vigneulles-lès-Hattonchâtel - 1,566 (this has a cheese factory and shop, a small selection of other shops, and a lovely rural position, near the huge Lac de Madine).

Click here to see all properties in these locations on SeLoger.


This department is the 24th most expensive in France, at 2400 euros per m2.

  • Guémené-sur-Scorff, a vibrant inland village, population 1,097.
  • Josselin - an excellent canalside town with a beautiful castle and a historic town centre.
  • La Roche-Bernard, a lovely riverside village, with a river port and good facilities, rather like a mini-Josselin. Population 695.
  • Malestroit, a large and attractive canalside village, population 2,456.
  • Port-Louis, an lovely fishing port with plenty of history and culture to explore, population 3,744.
  • Le Roc-Saint-André, Val d’Oust, is an attractive village on the canalised section of the River Oust. The population in 2017 was 938. There is some flooding in this area, so take care where you buy!
  • Pont-Scorff, an attractive small town with good facilities, population 3744.
  • Rochefort-en-Terre, a very pretty village with a population of 635. The supermarket is a 7 minute drive.

To see properties in these villages, visit Se Loger.


This department is the 50th most expensive in France, at 1750 euros per m2.

Research is still required for the following:

  • Hombourg-Haut
  • Rodemack
  • Saint-Quirin
  • Vic-sur-Seille


Aerial view of Donzy, Nièvre

Nièvre ties with Meuse as the third and fourth cheapest departments in France at €890 per m2. There are 309 communes in Nièvre. It is a beautiful area with some fabulous countryside and the wonderful Nivernais Canal. The towns and villages in this department seem to be either very large or very small. This made it difficult to find locations which meet all my preferences. I have picked out two towns and a village for my shortlist, but there are plenty of other settlements which are worth considering. Check out my post on the Nivernais Canal for some of these, including the lovely Monceaux-le-Comte, which is set by the River Yonne and the Nivernais Canal, and has two shops despite its diminutive size!

  • Clamecy - 3594
  • Decize - 5193
  • Donzy - 1571
  • Luzy - 1994 - a bit 'roady' for my tastes, but still attractive.

Click here to see properties in the above areas on SeLoger.


This department is the 49th most expensive in France, at 1800 euros per m2.

Research is still required for the following:

  • Le Quesnoy


This department is the 38th most expensive in France, at 2160 euros per m2.

Research is still required for the following:

  • Gerberoy


Église Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption, La Ferté-Macé, Orne

Orne is the 15th cheapest department in France at €1230 per m2. There are 385 communes in Orne. There were quite a few near misses, but I tried to be critical and stick to my priorities. I found very few which stood alone, rather than as suburbs, and were not set on significant road junctions. It might be easier to find a rural home here if you don't mind driving to a less picturesque town for your shopping and services.

  • Bellême - 1455
  • Bretoncelles - 1475
  • Domfront en Poiraie - 3,461 - quite a large town with a gorgeous medieval quarter.
  • La Ferté-Macé - 5138

Click here to see properties in the above areas on SeLoger.


Pas-de-Calais and Somme tie as 36th and 37th cheapest departments in France at €1580 per m2.

Research required.


Puy-de-Dôme is the 38th cheapest department out of 96 in France, at €1590 per m2. It's the last to come in at under €1600 per m2.

Research required for:

  • Artonne
  • Besse-et-Saint-Anastaise
  • Champeix
  • Châteldon
  • Chauriat
  • La Sauvetat
  • Le Broc
  • Montaigut-le-Blanc
  • Montpeyroux
  • Nonette puis Nonette-Orsonnette
  • Saint-Floret
  • Saint-Saturnin
  • Sauxillanges
  • Usson
  • Vic-le-Comte


This department is the 35th most expensive in France, at 2280 euros per m2.

Research is still required for the following:

  • Ainhoa - 668
  • La Bastide-Clairence
  • Navarrenx
  • Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port
  • Sare
  • Sauveterre-de-Béarn


This department is the 33rd most expensive in France, at 2290 euros per m2.

Research is still required for the following:

  • Castelnou
  • Collioure
  • Eus
  • Ille-sur-Têt
  • Olette
  • Prats-de-Mollo-la-Preste
  • Villefranche-de-Conflent


This department is the 10th most expensive in France, at 3670 euros per m2.

Research is still required for the following:

  • Oingt
  • Riverie
  • Ternand


Saône-et-Loire is the 23rd cheapest department in France at €1320 per m2.

Research required for:

  • Semur-en-Brionnais


Sarthe is the 32nd cheapest department in France at €1500 per m2.

Research required for:

  • Brûlon, a well looked after, genuine-looking village, surrounded by fairly level countryside. The population is 1,529.
  • Fresnay-sur-Sarthe, a vibrant and well-presented riverside village with a few stone buildings, and plenty of shops and paved streets. The population of 2,889 includes neighbouring villages.
  • Parcé-sur-Sarthe - an attractive riverside village with a cobbled centre and good facilities. The population is 2,046.

See properties in these villages on Se Loger.


This department is the 18th most expensive in France, at 2830 euros per m2.

Research is still required for the following:

  • Chanaz
  • Bonneval-sur-Arc


To follow.


This department is the 41st most expensive in France, at 1970 euros per m2.

  • Veules-les-Roses, a lovely coastal village population 520 but with reasonable facilities.

For properties here, view Se Loger.


Somme and Pas-de-Calais tie as 36th and 37th cheapest departments in France at €1580 per m2. This Department still requires research.


Tarn is the 35th cheapest department in France at €1570 per m2.

Research required for:

  • Ambialet
  • Castelnau-de-Montmiral
  • Cordes-sur-Ciel
  • Lacaze
  • Lisle-sur-Tarn
  • Lautrec
  • Monestiés
  • Puycelsi


This department is the 54th most expensive in France, at 1720 euros per m2.

  • Auvillar, a very attractive colonnaded village with a population of 910. It has a Vival supermarket.
  • Castelsagrat, an attractive village with a colonnaded square, population 543. It appears to have limited shopping options.
  • Lauzerte, a lovely medieval colonnaded village with a supermarket nearby. Population 1,448.

View properties in this area on Se Loger.


This department is the 12th most expensive in France, at 3500 euros per m2.

Research is still required for the following:

  • La Roche-Guyon


This department is the 7th most expensive in France, at 3920 euros per m2. But that's because of its expensive coastline. Go inland and the prices are better.

  • Le Castellet, a pretty medieval village with an epicerie. The population of 5,285 is unhelpful, as it includes both the old village and several larger settlements nearby.
  • Tourtour is a pretty little Provencal village, not too isolated, with a population of 585. It has fabulous views, a small epicerie, and a library. It also had a starring role in Day of the Jackal!


This department is the 21st most expensive in France, at 2660 euros per m2.

Research is still required for the following:

  • Ansouis - 1,058 - a cute hilltop fortified village which has a Vival convenience store.
  • Gordes
  • Lourmarin
  • Ménerbes
  • Roussillon
  • Séguret
  • Vaison-la-Romaine
  • Venasque


This department is the 31st most expensive in France, at 2310 euros per m2.

Research is still required for the following:

  • Apremont
  • Faymoreau
  • Foussais-Payré
  • Mallièvre
  • Mortagne-sur-Sèvre
  • Mouchamps
  • Nieul-sur-l'Autise
  • Noirmoutier-en-l'Île
  • Pouzauges
  • Vouvant


Vienne ties with Ariège as the 21st and 22nd cheapest departments in France at €13i0 per m2.

  • Angles-sur-l'Anglin (wonderful scenery with a pretty river, but may not have enough shops and facilities).

Research required for:

  • Charroux
  • Château-Larcher
  • Lusignan
  • Monts-sur-Guesnes


Plombières-les-Bains, Vosges

Vosges ties with Aisne as the 11th and 12th cheapest departments in France at €1190 per m2. There are 507 communes in Vosges. Its list is surprisingly short. Some of the villages and towns are very attractive, but many are hemmed in by busy roads, and many others seem to merge as together unappealing conurbations along the valleys. Worse still, some are dominated by industrial areas, quarries and gravel pits. It really is a shame, as the majority of the landscape here is fabulous!

  • Plombières-les-Bains - 1566
  • Le Tholy - 1536
  • Le Val-d'Ajol - 3860
  • La Vôge-les-Bains - 1589

Click here to see properties in these areas on SeLoger.

The following require research:

  • Châtillon-sur-Saône
  • Plombières-les-Bains
  • Senones


Yonne ties with Aveyron as the 16th and 17th cheapest departments in France at €1240 per m2. There are 423 communes in Yonne.

The following require research:

  • Noyers
  • Saint-Fargeau
  • Tonnerre
  • Vézelay

Well, that's my rather long shortlist complete

I hope you found it interesting and helpful. If you have any suggestions for villages I may have missed, or whose charms I may have underestimated, do please let me know in the comments.

Finally, I am gradually collecting my absolute favourite villages in my personal price bracket (€100k to €300k) in a few combined searches:

Departments A-C on SeLoger.

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