Canalside Homes for Sale from £0k to £249k
Canalside Homes for Sale from £0k to £249k.

Many thanks for subscribing to my canalside homes lists. You may have noticed a slight slowing of posts as I've been on holiday. I've enjoyed seeing some different boats in some lovely locations. This lady is Lutegarda Guimarães de Caires, a famous Portuguese suffragette, activist and poet. Here's a poem she wrote about the river behind her:
“It's just that there is no heaven of such splendour,
No blue river so beautiful and silvery
As the Guadiana, my enchanted river
From gentle waters, sighing love!”
I hope I can help you to find your dream home by the water.
Properties are listed from highest price to lowest price, and all were available on the date of posting. I am not directly involved with any of these sales, and I cannot negotiate on your behalf, but please get in touch if you need any advice.
Old Taunton Road, Bridgwater, £245,000.