Canalside Homes for Sale from £500k to £700k
Canalside Homes for Sale from £500k to £700k

Hello and welcome to this week's update. If you're a paying member, you can see all 60 canalside properties for sale in this update by logging into the website.
NEW means that the property was either launched or relaunched during the last four weeks. It may be completely new to the market, the agent may have changed, the property may be back after a break in marketing, or a sale may have fallen through. If I can identify the reason, I will include it. REDUCED refers to price changes during the four weeks before publication.
Today half way through my research, Rightmove had a problem and started crashing as I was browsing. I have reported the error to them, and they usually do well fixing thngs, so I hope they find the fault. I had the problem on Chrome and Edge, but thankfully I was able to continue on Firefox. Unfortunately the (paid-for) extension I use to identify price changes and new properties does not work on Firefox, and I had to find a new extension to use. All properties after £595,000 use this new extension. As I don't yet know how reliable it is, please use it as a guide, and confirm with your own enquiries and do not rely solely on my annotations! Sorry!
Here's today's featured property:
BACK ON AFTER A BREAK Hassall Green, Sandbach, CW11, Offers in Excess of £550,000. Income is available from its multiple moorings. I researched the history of this property here.

If you'd like to have a property featured on this site, please see this post.