The uncertain future of my Canalside Homes lists
Please would you be kind enough to provide some feedback to help me to decide what to do with my Canalside Homes lists?

During my holiday, I gave a lot of thought to the future of my canalside homes lists. I love being able to help my subscribers, and it's gratifying to hear that someone has bought a property they saw on one of my lists, but with my husband winding down a bit, income is becoming a more significant concern.
I am going to be super honest with you all here... I am currently earning about £5 to £8 an hour from my lists - it's not a lot - and it is always at the lower end of this scale in the spring, when there are more properties on the market to sift through. Given that income, I think you'll understand why I am finding it increasingly difficult to stay motivated during the many hours I spend trawling through the property portals - and why I'm dreading the spring. I am also aware that sitting on my backside staring at a screen is not particularly good for me.
The only obvious alternative to stopping the list is to advertise it, In the hope that I increase the number of subscribers and therefore earn more per hour. It's tempting, but my concern is that this niche will always be quite small, and I'll never get to a level of income which justifies my effort - or even hits the minimum wage!
I can only see only one potential compromise - I could create some tutorials to explain how I search for properties, so that you can apply my tips and tricks to your own searches.
Thank you so much for your support thus far. I really appreciate it, and that's why I would like you to have a say in what happens next. Please would you be kind enough to provide some feedback to help me to decide what to do? There are just five multiple choice questions, and there's a space for additional comments.